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Vacation Time!

We are pleased to welcome

Dr. Evelyn Bruneau, D.C.

Who we trust to take care of you during our vacation.

August 31st to September 4th


 Eastern Ontario Locum Services


Dr. Bruneau is a 1986 CMCC graduate. That year, she completed chiropractic boards in the following jurisdictions: Canada, Ontario, Québec and the United States. Dr. Bruneau was the past president of the well-known Locum referral service of the late 80’s and early 90’s called Professional Chiropractic Locum Services, serving all of the province of Ontario and Québec.

Dr. Bruneau then operated a busy family practice in Orléans, Ontario. In 2008 she started a new locum service, Eastern Ontario Locum Service. This type of practice allows her great flexibility while raising a busy family. Doing locums, Dr. Bruneau has worked in no less than 75 different clinics over the last 25 years.


Dr. Bruneau will be in office

Tuesday, September 1st & Thursday, September 3rd

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